This application has been equipped with many fully customizable screens, charts, printouts and interpretations. This application has been equipped with some interactive personalized tutorials which will help you use this application efficiently. Parashara’s Light Professional 7.0.1 Vedic Astrology has got an elegant and very easy to use graphical user interface.

This application has been equipped with loads of calculations, charts, tables as well as interpretive reports. Parashara’s Light Professional 7.0.1 Vedic Astrology is one of the leading Vedic Astrology used by the professional astrologer as well as the novices. Parashara’s Light Professional 7.0.1 Vedic Astrology Overview Keep a track of who, when and what you have to print the reports for. Parashara’s Light Professional 7.0.1 Vedic Astrology Free Download.